You need to get used to rejection.

It’s a phrase that every creative person has to get used to but so be it. My drawing of the school rugby player was not that well liked by the head of the school it was for. He wanted a younger looking player.Well he looks young enough to me and I’m blowed if I’m going to try and make him look cute,that’s just a bit creepy. So what to do? First reaction was ‘He had a rough and he approved that, so he can whistle!’ Second reaction is the professional sales approach of ‘he can have whatever he wants, and … Continue reading You need to get used to rejection.

Sometimes rough is better than finished…must try harder.

Asked to do a drawing for a local school and roughed this out. It’s a rugby playing boy’s school so rather than glorify the first team this is for those who try hard but fail miserably, but at least they try.No pun intended.This character is close to home, I never amounted to much as a rugby player.I went to a rugby playing boy’s school and one of my P.E. reports actually said: ‘Tries hard;fails miserably’.It’s a long time ago now and I’ve forgiven the writer, the normal psychopathic games teacher who thought that an hour on the field in the … Continue reading Sometimes rough is better than finished…must try harder.

Frozen Rose

No drawings, no santa jokes, no robins, no holly or joke berries. It’s a frozen rose, an image taken by my father now 92 who was a really passionate photographer. Sadly he is now unable to see to take images like this.He wasn’t a professional, he was a policeman many years ago now, so he was used to looking out for things. It’s this year’s Christmas card from him, and me to you. I’m posting early for Christmas.Have a good one. Continue reading Frozen Rose