Landscape drawings

Over the last four years or so, may be longer, I have been drawing things other than cartoons. In the main these are landscapes inspired by photographs that I have taken but occasionally other photographs by friends and fellow walkers.

I started these landscapes in much the same way that I tackled cartoons and just drew them in ink straight onto the page. Mainly, unlike the cartoons which are done in marker pen ( Pentel Sign pens if you must know ) the landscapes are done in the old fashioned dip pen and Indian ink, supplemented by a tooth brush as well as the odd paint brush. I’m not fussy about the brushes, but don’t use the toothbrush on my teeth any more.

The black and white landscapes were in some cases scanned so that I could add colour digitally. It worked to a degree but I was never really content with the result. Digital colour is incredibly clean and almost antiseptic! So, since doing them I’ve moved on to colour landscapes. A real leap back to the old techniques, with colour added and faffed with by chalk pastels, and colour pencil as well as standard lead pencils and not a drop of ink in sight any more.

I will be featuring these landscapes on here in due course. Both the early ones and the more recent. Hopefully each will have a ‘story’ to tell. I hope you like them, if you want to buy one then feel free to get in touch and I will reveal how incredibly expensive they are, because I’m worth it.

Images will follow when I have stuff in order.

If perchance you might be interested in buying any of my original drawings, or prints from my landscapes please pop over here.