Arthur Trousers

Not been on here for a while, got a touch of Arthur Rightus, which as anyone who has it is a pain in the wherever. I could do with a pair of these for getting in and out of the car. Handles to lift the feet in. Much physio and keeping moving seems to be the order of the day. The luxury version of these has a pair of small electric cranes on a matching shirt, to save your effort. Continue reading Arthur Trousers

3 boys on Sunday Release…

I’m the chubster on the right, my brother in the front middle and Peter Wilkinson on the left. We all went to the same boarding school in nearby Preston. The photo taken of the three of us in out back garden in Ince in Makerfield in what was then a very industrial Wigan. We are wearing our ‘Sunday Suits’ which as I recall were itchy wooly things. We were occasionally allowed out on Sundays and parents would come and collect us, feed us up in the day ( as you can see I was not really in need of feeding … Continue reading 3 boys on Sunday Release…