The greasy pole…

It’s tough at the top, or so I’m told. At the start of my career ( yeright! ) I thought that I’d be climbing the greasy pole and looking for career advancement. I ended up drawing for a living, 30 years of that exclusively freelance, and then had a career change some 11 years ago. I became an executive! I wore a tie ( a friend suggested that this was probably around my waist to keep my trousers up ) and was called an account manager. Who were they kidding, calling me that! I know it’s sales, but so be … Continue reading The greasy pole…

Invisible from here.

I’ve found a way of disappearing almost completely from sight. I live in the centre of a reasonably large town and like to shop in the town without making my arms any longer than they need be by carrying heavy bags. So I bought a shopping bag on wheels. All of a sudden I’ve become completely invisible, that’s me on the left of the drawing. Not there? Yes I am but your not looking at me. You ‘re looking at the shopping trolley and thinking this is some old geezer who I will not bother giving my flyers to, I’ll … Continue reading Invisible from here.