Words workshop and Dickens in Westgate

A poetry workshop for me and a few others in the historic Folk building in Westgate, Gloucester. Our leader for the evening: Jon Seagrave, a performance poet from Stroud. A quick stroll around the Street outside to get a feel of the place. For those not familiar with the place it runs down from the very centre of this small city at the Cross, and they make it simple, four streets run off from the cross, Westgate being one, the other 3 parts of the compass bring the others. All have a character of their very own. Westgate runs closest … Continue reading Words workshop and Dickens in Westgate

Footy Talk

First of all please refer to football as football, not soccer. Here are a few easy translations from the footy page for you to chew over: Flat back fourThe screws missing from an Ikea self assembly kitchen unit or some sort of magical defensive arrangement, could be both of course when explaining that you could not finish the kitchen due to a missing flat back four. Over the topA reckless challenge, a little like asking one’s life partner if she has made that cup of tea yet and what’s keeping her? Or a method that professional footballers have perfected for … Continue reading Footy Talk

When ideas cross pollinate

I’ve been working on a reprint of a book that I did with my late friend Gordon, now available as a paperback from Amazon. There’s an opportunity to publish a hard back version but it needs to be a few pages bigger. Now, rather then do that thing where you can’t think of anything and just put in pages with ‘Notes’ over a blank page as if anyone will write them, I’m attempting to replicate Gordon’s style with a few extra spotted people. One of these is Clippie, more about her later, but suffice to say I needed to know … Continue reading When ideas cross pollinate

Bouncing birds

Starting work soon on the finished drawings for the next Henry book. Not sure if it will make the finals, but it seems to work well. We’ll see. The last book did well for the Kingsway Primary School in Gloucester. My good friend Andy Harden is crafting the words, we are also hoping to get our books, all three of them, on to Amazon. So, quite a lot going on. Bad weather helps as it keeps me off the allotment and garden and close to the drawing board. Continue reading Bouncing birds

Celebrating Bill Tidy.

The cartoonist Bill today has died today. I was always a fan and in his heyday used to occasionally cut out some of his cartoons and paste them in my then scrapbook. Although I sort of drifted into drawing cartoons, and tried to emulate some of the cartoonists I was aware of at the time. The one who I thought was at the top of the game was Bill Tidy. He seemed able to be able to draw anything at great speed and with his brilliant jokes he always managed to draw a smile from me. I thought he was … Continue reading Celebrating Bill Tidy.


My book, in collaboration with my late good friend Gordon Thorburn, is now available on Amazon from here. We first published it ourselves some years ago, and now have the opportunity of getting it out there again. It is also to be serialised in Cotswold Life, so has sprung back to life. I’ve updated it recently too, and there will soon be a hardback version with more pages. Make my day, buy a copy! Continue reading Spotted!

Box full of drawings…

I’m having a board meeting. The is how I like to look at my work from time to time. I review it and then decide what to do with it next, some of it gets shredded if I think that I cannot rescue it. The ones that make it to the board usually survive. Going clockwise here they are the colour drawing ( one of several in the box ) of a landscape in Derbyshire, the next one is a corrugated shed in a field, done a couple of years ago. I did quite a lot of these indian ink … Continue reading Box full of drawings…

Sometimes I surprise myself…

I’m working, if it can be called working when no money changes hands for my efforts, on a reprint of a book that I did with my late good friend Gordon Thorburn. At the time the book was called ” Some Missing Persons’ and was about rare breeds of British people. Well, given recent sorry stories of real missing persons I’ve ditched. that title and it’s now a little more positively titled: “Spotted!” I am doing an Amazon paperback version which has been a journey of discovery through technical upload bollocks, but I am almost there. I’ve had the proof … Continue reading Sometimes I surprise myself…

One of my oldest drawings.

Done some 40 plus years ago and was one for an exhibition on British Institutions, this one being “Fair Play” as I recall. Given that in the last few years I’ve been doing a lot of landscapes this one stands up ok. I never used reference much so it just came from my head. For my recent landscapes I use my photographs as reference. The original ended up on the wall of my mother in laws beautiful cottage on a hillside in Shropshire. It lived there for years and I was always very pleased that she put it in a … Continue reading One of my oldest drawings.