Peruvian Blueberries?

Four weeks without salad, how on earth will we manage? Well we have a supply of Peruvian Blueberries so we’ll just have to be creative. So it’s been in the news that we are without here in the UK, well, we are in a sense, we are without brains for a start. Local supermarkets around here are to my knowledge not short of loads of stuff, so if we have to be without a Spanish cucumber then I think we might just get by. Local news stories ,especially those put out by the so called “Gloucestershire Live”, are uniquely designed … Continue reading Peruvian Blueberries?


It’s a Gloucestershire adjective for being careful with ones hard earned. The opposite word for it might be generous. When I was at college all those years ago the only money we had was what the Government kindly gave us as a grant, or what we could earn on the side by taking a job of some sort. My good friend at college was notoriously generous, but this meant he was frequently without funds. I recall that he came to me one day, looking at me clear eyed in the day and asked me if I could possibly forward some … Continue reading “Toit”

A grand day out.

Well actually just an afternoon, but what an afternoon! Collected by my good friend Mike we headed down to the River Severn at Purton. By way of a change no walk was planned but I’d determined that we should go and take some photos of the boats down there. These ships, to be more exact were rammed into the banks of the Severn there to help counteract the erosion of the banks by the river back in the 1930s. Now these hulks are a venue for people like Mike and I who consider them to be major works of natural … Continue reading A grand day out.