The problems in America? It’s got to be the food.

It’s enough to turn anybody crazy. The things they eat over there get more and more extreme. I follow this site where the delightful Betty reviews food that she seems to buy from someone called Trader Joe.

Whatever next?

I have this vision of Joe in a large shed somewhere ( I’m keen on sheds as a place to be creative ) thinking “What can I put out there that will tickle their taste buds and send me laughing all the way to the bank?”.

Here are some recent gems from Joe:
Turkey Bacon. Great idea, lets get all the grim bits of that old turkey and press it until it looks like bacon and then get the road roller to flatten it so it resembles strips of bacon. No Joe! Bacon is bacon.

Organic Roasted Teriyaki Seaweed snack, what’s not to like? Well everything really Joe.

Shredded Cheese Blend. ” What if they think of buying cheese in a block, say three types, and then mixing it together Joe?” They’ll never think of that will they?

Coffee Flour. Made from dried and ground coffee cherry husks and husk skins. I kid you not, this is for real as they say. You know when you go to a coffee shop and the barista person knocks all those old coffee grounds out of the filter thingummy into a bin. Well Joe has been in there and knows how to monetise this stuff. Put it in flour. You’ll be delighted to know that it has limited production.

I was begining to think that we’d reached the nadir of foolishness when Betty posted something about Butter Lettuce. I’m pleased to report that they don’t put butter on the lettuce. It’s tempting to think that they do but it’s a type.

All these things might just be the tip of the iceberg.

Last on my list is Joe’s Beefless Ground Beef. If it’s beefless it’s not beef, so how come thay can call it beef if it’s not. This is not fake news, rumours to the contrary are groundless.

Eating any of this stuff is likely to make you trump. Hopefully they’ll find an antacid that will solve the problem.



6 thoughts on “The problems in America? It’s got to be the food.

  1. Lol! I clicked the link and got to see the review of salmon bacon, yes it’s smoked salmon! Or maybe the offcuts of smoked salmon pressed together. Who knows? But what’s wrong with bacon? A healthy diet consists of a variety of unadulterated foods in my humble opinion. If your religion forbids a food, there are probably alternatives to compensate. But if you want bacon, eat bacon!!! I can’t imagine what I’d use coffee flour for though…..😖

      1. It was a trip to the US that made me give up sugar. The food was full of it and everyone was fat, bellies sticking out from under their ribs like pregnant women. They don’t stand a chance, you would have to cook absolutely everything from raw meat and veg to be healthy. At least here you can slip in the odd ready meal and chose something sugar free.

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